GTC is excited to share an update on our technical support of Lets’s Own This! Foundation’s woody biomass burial (WBB) pilot study. WBB is a form of carbon sequestration, and Let’s Own This! will be burying 100,000 tons of wood in upcoming deployments. During the pilot study, we are monitoring the buried wood to characterize its decomposition. Ideally, there is no decomposition, and the carbon remains as wood. GTC has designed and developed a complete IoT solution to monitor the underground conditions with rugged sensor suites capturing temperature, humidity, soil moisture, light, oxygen, methane, CO, NO2, and alcohol. The WBB pilot study is at a remote location, so the monitoring system has off-grid power and logs data to the cloud through a cellular connection. Check out our dashboard to see how the whole study is progressing over the upcoming year: http://woodvault.gtc-ai.com
Contact us if you have an idea in search of an IoT solution, and check out videos of burying the first set of wood and sensors on YouTube.